Frontline Explores How Digital Technology Shapes Our Lives and Thinking

Last night PBS's Frontline aired a great piece on technology and the internet and how it's starting to shape our minds; how we learn, process and regurgitate information.

This episode explores why the latest generations of kids are learning faster and how education is trying to keep up. With computers, video games, and permanently internet-connected smartphones bombarding kids with continuous random information conditioning them to "multitask" their thinking,   jumping from instant messages to homework, to watching a video on YouTube and maybe some sporadic homework mixed in.

The episode also looks at the effects of technology on relationships, internet addictions,  modern warfare, and virtual reality.

If you missed it on your local PBS station you can watch it over the internet on their site at the link below.

Below is a clip from the show discussing new problems that have arisen due to technology on today's battlefields.